Craftworx Brake Pads for Carbon Road Wheels - Front and Rear (SET)
Designed specifically for use on carbon wheels, our high performance brake pads work quietly and efficiently in both wet and dry riding conditions.
Developed by KoolStop in the US, these replacement brake pads have been specifically formulated for use on all Craftworx Ultima carbon wheels.
Installation Tips:
Following these simple tips will help you get the most out of your carbon brake pads.
Prior to using your new bake pads, clean the braking surface on your rims thoroughly, ensuring any build up on the rims has been removed.
Be sure to run your new brake pads in before hitting the hills. It takes a few rides for the brake pads to settle in so don't go hard on them straight away or you will dramatically reduce the life of the pads.
Don't toe the pads in. The brake pads should be installed so they contact flush with the brake surface, toeing the pads in will reduce braking performance and make your pads squeal.
Mount the pads as close as possible to the bottom of the braking surface of the rim.
To increase the life of the pads, regularly clean your rims and remove any brake pad build up.
Regularly inspect the brake pads for foreign materials as these can damage the carbon braking surface.
The life span of the brake pads can vary but as a general rule we recommend replacing them every 10,000kms
Weight: 18g (per pair)
IMPORTANT : If you own Craftworx Ultima Carbon wheels, these are the only brake pads you should be using. Failure to do so will void your warranty!